Saturday 7 May 2011

sHORt LOve StorieS

Clever Girl

A Girl is giving directions to her new boyfriend to get to her apartment.
She says: "You come to the front door of the apartment complex where I live and look for apartment 14A, and with your elbow push button 14A. Come inside and you’ll find the elevator on the right. With your elbow hit 14. When you get out of the elevator you’ll find my apartment on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell and I’ll open the door for you"

The boyfriend says: "Dear, that sounds very easy to find, but why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?"
"Oh my God!! You’re not coming empty-handed, are you?"

A Girl Falls In Love
and Decides to Make
Her DAD Meet the Guy..She Takes 3 Guys and
Introduces Them…When They Leave
She Asks Her Dad
Whether He Could
Guess Her Lover…
Dad: The Second One!!!
Surprised at the Right Guess
She Asks: How Did You Know???
Dad: Simple, among that 3 guys
I Hated Him The Most….

DAD’s Rock!!!

Before Marriage

John – Ah… At last, I can hardly wait!!!
Jane – Do you want me to leave?
John – NO! Don’t even think about it.
Jane – Do you Love me???
John – Of course!!! Always have and always will
Jane – Have you ever cheated on me???
John – No! Why are you even asking???
Jane – Will you kiss me???
John – Every chance I get!!!
Jane – Will you hit me???
John – Hell no! Are you crazy?!?!
Jane – Can I trust you?
John – Yes
Jane – Darling!!!


Read from the bottom back to the TOP!!!

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